Dominique Moïsi
Flag of France


Dominique Moïsi

National Security Expert

Dominique Moïsi

Dominique Moïsi

National Security Expert

Flag of France


Mr. Dominique Moïsi is co-founder and senior advisor to the French Institute for International Relations. He is the Pierre Keller visiting professor at Harvard University, the European geopolitics chair at the College of Europe in Natolin (Warsaw) and a visiting research professor at King’s College in London. Moïsi is a member of the European Council on Foreign Relations and a special member of the Bilderberg Group, which holds an annual conference for informal discussions between political leaders and experts from Europe and North America about the major issues facing the world. Moïsi is a regular contributor to the Financial Times, Die Welt, The Guardian, Project Syndicate, and Foreign Affairs.

Dr. Harald Müller
Flag of Germany


Dr. Harald Müller

National Security Expert

Dr. Harald Müller

Dr. Harald Müller

National Security Expert

Flag of Germany


Dr. Harald Müller is the director of the Peace Research Institute in Frankfurt, professor of International Relations at Goethe University and adjunct professor at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University. He has been a member of the German delegation to the last three Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conferences and has served as the vice president of the EU Consortium for Non-Proliferation. From 1999 to 2005, Müller served on the United Nations secretary-general’s Advisory Board on disarmament matters. He was also a member of the IAEA Expert Group on multilateral nuclear arrangements and of the German Defense Review Commission. Müller has authored numerous publications including “Between Power and Justice: Current Problems and Perspectives of the NPT Regime” and “The NPT Review Process and Strengthening the Treaty: Disarmament.”

Dr. Masashi Nishihara
Flag of Japan


Dr. Masashi Nishihara

National Security Expert

Dr. Masashi Nishihara

Dr. Masashi Nishihara

National Security Expert

Flag of Japan


Dr. Masashi Nishihara is president of the Research Institute for Peace and Security Tokyo. Previously, he served as president of the National Defense Academy, Yokosuka, where he was also a professor of international relations. Among others, Nishihara is a member of the Trilateral Commission as well as the U.K.-Japan 21st Century Group. From 2004 to 2006, he served as a member of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission chaired by former Swedish Foreign Minister Hans Blix. Nishihara has published extensively on Japanese foreign and security policy issues and has contributed to international newspapers such as the International New York Times and the Washington Post.

Dr. Sari Nusseibeh
Flag of Palestine


Dr. Sari Nusseibeh

National Security Expert

Dr. Sari Nusseibeh

Dr. Sari Nusseibeh

National Security Expert

Flag of Palestine


Dr. Sari Nusseibeh is a professor of Islamic and political philosophy and was president of Al-Quds University in Jerusalem from 2005 to 2014. He is the founder and head of the Palestinian Consultancy Group and founder and co-chairman of the Israel/Palestine Scientific Organization. He was a member of the steering committee of the delegation to the Peace Talks between Palestine and Israel, heading the technical and advisory committees. In 2005 and 2007, Foreign Policy and Prospect Magazine selected Nusseibeh as one of the 100 leading world figures. He held the position of fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars in 2002 and at the Baker Institute for Foreign Policy at Rice University in 2007. Nusseibeh has authored many publications, including his book “No Trumpets, No Drums: A Two-State Settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.”

Dr. Vladimir Orlov
Flag of Russia


Dr. Vladimir Orlov

National Security Expert

Dr. Vladimir Orlov

Dr. Vladimir Orlov

National Security Expert

Flag of Russia


Dr. Vladimir Orlov is a member of the United Nations secretary-general’s Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters and head of the Center for Global Trends and International Organizations at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Orlov is also the founder of the PIR Center (The Russian Center for Policy Studies) and the Security Index Journal. At the PIR Center, he focuses on major challenges to international security, including nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear terrorism, in addition to heading the center’s European branch in Geneva. He participates in the work of many international security groups and organizations, including the Russian Pugwash Committee, the Monterey Nonproliferation Strategy Group and the International Nuclear Energy Academy.

Orlov served as an official member of the Russian delegation to the 2010 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference and has served as a consultant to the United Nations on disarmament and nonproliferation education. From 1990 to 1996, he was the vice president for Moskovskiye Novosti (Moscow News), where he also served as columnist and political analyst. Orlov has published extensively on Russian foreign policy and nuclear nonproliferation, including the two-volume Russian language textbook “Nuclear Nonproliferation.”

Dr. George Perkovich
Flag of United States

United States

Dr. George Perkovich

National Security Expert

Dr. George Perkovich

Dr. George Perkovich

National Security Expert

Flag of United States

United States

Dr. George Perkovich is vice president for studies and director of the Nonproliferation Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. His research focuses on nuclear strategy and nonproliferation with a concentration on South Asia and Iran and on the problem of justice in the international political economy.

Perkovich is author of the award-winning book “India’s Nuclear Bomb” and is co-author of the ground-breaking paper “Abolishing Nuclear Weapons.” He is also co-author of a major Carnegie Endowment report “Universal Compliance: A Strategy for Nuclear Security,” a blueprint for rethinking the international nuclear nonproliferation regime offering a fresh approach to deal with states, terrorists, nuclear weapons and fissile materials. Perkovich served as a speechwriter and foreign policy adviser to then-Senator Joe Biden.

Dr. John Polanyi
Flag of Canada


Dr. John Polanyi

National Security Expert

Dr. John Polanyi

Dr. John Polanyi

National Security Expert

Flag of Canada


Dr. John Polanyi is a professor in the department of chemistry at the University of Toronto and a 1986 Nobel Laureate. He is a fellow of the Royal Societies of Canada, of London and of Edinburgh, as well as a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Sciences. Polanyi is a founding member of the Committee on Scholarly Freedom of the Royal Society and the Canadian Committee for Scientists and Scholars, where he currently serves as president. He was also the founding chairman of the Canadian Pugwash Group and has worked as an advisor to the Canadian Centre for Arms Control and Disarmament.

Polanyi was made an Officer of the Order of Canada in 1974 and a Companion of the Order of Canada in 1979. He received the Royal Medal of the Royal Society of London in 1989, along with a number of other awards for his achievements. In addition to his scientific papers, he has published extensively on the control of armaments and peacekeeping including co-editing “The Dangers of Nuclear War.”

Dr. William C. Potter
Flag of United States

United States

Dr. William C. Potter

National Security Expert

Dr. William C. Potter

Dr. William C. Potter

National Security Expert

Flag of United States

United States

Dr. William Potter is the Sam Nunn and Richard Lugar professor of Nonproliferation Studies and the founding director of the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. He has served as a consultant to the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, the RAND Corporation and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He sits on the National Academy of Sciences’ Nonproliferation Panel and is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Pacific Council on International Policy and the international advisory board of the Center for Policy Studies in Russia.

Potter has been extensively involved in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) review process. He was an advisor to the delegation of Kyrgyzstan for the 1995 NPT Review and Extension Conference and was an advisor to eight sessions of the NPT Preparatory Committee, as well as the 2000 and 2005 NPT Review Conferences. Potter’s current research focuses on nuclear terrorism and forecasting proliferation developments.