Rev. Tyler Wigg-Stevenson
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United States

Rev. Tyler Wigg-Stevenson

Civic Leader

Rev. Tyler Wigg-Stevenson

Rev. Tyler Wigg-Stevenson

Civic Leader

Flag of United States

United States

The Reverend Tyler Wigg-Stevenson is an ordained Baptist minister and founder and director of the Two Futures Project, a movement of Christians for nuclear threat reduction and the abolition of nuclear weapons worldwide. He is also the chairman of the Global Task Force on Nuclear Weapons, an initiative of the World Evangelical Alliance, and policy director for Faithful Security, the national religious partnership on nuclear weapons danger. He has been highly involved in nuclear policy for more than a decade, working under Senator Alan Cranston as the first staff member of the Global Security Institute, where he now serves on the board of directors. He has worked extensively to rejuvenate faith-based activism on nuclear weapons issues.

Prof. Muhammad Yunus
Flag of Bangladesh


Prof. Muhammad Yunus

Civic Leader

Prof. Muhammad Yunus

Prof. Muhammad Yunus

Civic Leader

Flag of Bangladesh


Professor Muhammad Yunus was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 for his efforts to promote economic development through innovations in microcredit. The Grameen Bank he created has successfully demonstrated his belief that the world’s poor can transform the conditions of their own lives if given appropriate financial support. He has written extensively about the connections between economic empowerment and peace.

After receiving his doctorate in economics from Vanderbilt University in the United States, Yunus returned to his home country of Bangladesh in 1972. There he founded the Grameen Bank Project in 1976 transforming it into a formal bank in 1983.

Dr. Dmitry Zimin
Flag of Russia


Dr. Dmitry Zimin

Civic Leader

Dr. Dmitry Zimin

Dr. Dmitry Zimin

Civic Leader

Flag of Russia


Dr. Dmitry Zimin was a member of the International Academy of Telecommunications, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences and professor of the State University – High School of Economics. He was a former designer of one of the biggest ground-based radar systems, part of Russia’s National Missile Defense structure. In 1993, he and his team were awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation for work in this field. In 1992, Zimin launched the mobile phone provider VimpelCom, the first Russian company to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange where he still holds the position of honorary president.

During his career, Zimin published more than a hundred scientific works and patents. In 2001, he founded the ‘Dynasty’ Foundation, which works to support science in Russia. In 2013, he was honored with the Andrew Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy.

Zimin passed away in December 2021.