Mr. Steve Killelea
Civic Leader
Mr. Steve Killelea
Civic Leader
Steve Killelea, executive chairman and founder of Integrated Research Ltd., has more than 30 years experience in the information technology industry. Highly skilled in international marketing, business and product strategy, Killelea has developed two profitable global companies with exceptional track records. In 2000, Killelea established The Charitable Foundation — one of the largest private overseas aid organizations in Australia — to promote sustainable community futures for the world’s poor. Killelea is also the founder of the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), an international think tank dedicated to building a greater understanding of the interconnection between business, peace and economics. IEP’s Global Peace Index — the first-ever tool ranking the peacefulness of countries and identifying the correlations of peace — is now considered the benchmark for measuring the peacefulness of nations.