Mr. Steve Killelea
Flag of Australia


Mr. Steve Killelea

Civic Leader

Mr. Steve Killelea

Mr. Steve Killelea

Civic Leader

Flag of Australia


Steve Killelea, executive chairman and founder of Integrated Research Ltd., has more than 30 years experience in the information technology industry. Highly skilled in international marketing, business and product strategy, Killelea has developed two profitable global companies with exceptional track records. In 2000, Killelea established The Charitable Foundation — one of the largest private overseas aid organizations in Australia — to promote sustainable community futures for the world’s poor. Killelea is also the founder of the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), an international think tank dedicated to building a greater understanding of the interconnection between business, peace and economics. IEP’s Global Peace Index — the first-ever tool ranking the peacefulness of countries and identifying the correlations of peace — is now considered the benchmark for measuring the peacefulness of nations.

Mr. Joe Landon
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United States

Mr. Joe Landon

Civic Leader

Mr. Joe Landon

Mr. Joe Landon

Civic Leader

Flag of United States

United States

Joe Landon is a chairman at Space Angels, CFO of the Planetary Resources, and director of the board at Planetary Security Foundation (PSF), a nonprofit that seeks to educate the public about nuclear weapons issues and to secure our planet while exploring others. PSF was founded on the belief that rockets are best used as tools to explore other worlds, not as devices that can end our own. It seeks to teach the public about the risks of nuclear weapons, raise awareness globally and to encourage debate on the topic. Previously, Landon was the CEO of Planetary Power, Inc., a firm offering innovative renewable energy technology for commercial and industrial users. He also led spaceflight program development at Space Adventures, a company facilitating private space missions and worked as an engineer and project manager for Boeing Satellite Systems.

Ms. Jamie McGurk
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United States

Ms. Jamie McGurk

Civic Leader

Ms. Jamie McGurk

Ms. Jamie McGurk

Civic Leader

Flag of United States

United States

Ms. Jamie McGurk is an independent film producer and the owner of Off Balance Productions. She is the co-founder of SeaChange Communications, a political communications company specializing in non-traditional communications for the political and nonprofit arenas. In 2008, she and her business partner, Victoria Hopper, produced the SeaChange Ideas Forum, an event featuring presentations on a range of progressive issues and attended by influential figures such as Ben Affleck, Arianna Huffington and U.S Representative Barney Frank. McGurk is the former co-president and current trustee of the California State Summer School for the Arts. She has donated her time as a marketing consultant for Film Independent and The H.E.L.P. Group and is a former trustee of The Motion Picture & Television Fund.

Mr. David Miliband
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United Kingdom

Mr. David Miliband

Civic Leader

Mr. David Miliband

Mr. David Miliband

Civic Leader

Flag of United Kingdom

United Kingdom

David Miliband is president and CEO of the International Rescue Committee. He stepped down as a member of the British Parliament in 2013 after more than a decade of service. During his parliamentary career, he held a variety of positions including cabinet office minister, minister of state for communities and local government and secretary of state for environment, food and rural affairs. In 2007, he was appointed foreign secretary, a position he held until 2010. He is also the founder of the Center for European Reform and the co-chair of the Global Ocean Commission. Prior to his time in parliament, he worked as head of Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Policy Unit in Downing Street.

HM Queen Noor
Flag of Jordan


HM Queen Noor

Civic Leader

HM Queen Noor

HM Queen Noor

Civic Leader

Flag of Jordan


Her Majesty Queen Noor is an international humanitarian activist and an outspoken voice on issues of world peace and justice. Born Lisa Najeeb Halaby to an Arab-American family, she met His Majesty King Hussein bin Talal of Jordan while working abroad and was married in 1978.

Today, Her Majesty Queen Noor plays a major role in promoting international exchange and understanding of Arab and Muslim culture and politics, Arab-Western relations and conflict prevention and issues related to refugees, missing persons, poverty and disarmament. The initiatives of the Noor Al Hussein Foundation (NHF) have transformed development thinking in Jordan through pioneering programs in the areas of poverty eradication, health, women’s empowerment, microfinance and arts as a medium for social development and cross-cultural exchange.

Cardinal Edwin O’Brien
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United States

Cardinal Edwin O’Brien

Civic Leader

Cardinal Edwin O’Brien

Cardinal Edwin O’Brien

Civic Leader

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United States

Cardinal Edwin O’Brien is the Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem and was named to the College of Cardinals in 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI. Prior to his appointment, O’Brien served as the archbishop of Baltimore, the nation’s oldest diocese. During his tenure in Baltimore, he focused on fostering a culture of respect for the dignity of every person and on improving the quality of life in Baltimore. O’Brien also initiated a major review and overhaul of the Catholic school system and instituted a number of long-term education initiatives. After being ordained as a priest of the Archdiocese of New York in 1965, he served as a civilian chaplain at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and, later, as an army chaplain with the rank of captain in Vietnam.

Ms. Pam Omidyar
Flag of United States

United States

Ms. Pam Omidyar

Civic Leader

Ms. Pam Omidyar

Ms. Pam Omidyar

Civic Leader

Flag of United States

United States

Ms. Pam Omidyar is founder and chairwoman of Humanity United, a philanthropic organization seeking to promote peace and advance human freedom both domestically and internationally. Humanity United has carried out much of its work in Africa, where it focuses on ending modern slavery and human trafficking. She is also founder and chairwoman of HopeLab, an organization pursuing innovation in health solutions for young people with chronic illnesses. In addition to her involvement with Humanity United and HopeLab, Omidyar and her husband, Pierre Omidyar, founded the Omidyar Network, an international philanthropic investment firm designed to alleviate human suffering and maximize human potential. She is a member of the board of Tish College of Public Service at Tufts University, the Advisory Council of The Elders, and the UNHCR – the UN Refugee Agency.

Mr. Eli Pariser
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United States

Mr. Eli Pariser

Civic Leader

Mr. Eli Pariser

Mr. Eli Pariser

Civic Leader

Flag of United States

United States

Eli Pariser is the co-founder of Upworthy, a mission-driven media company that posts content that is both entertaining and meaningful. He is an experienced online organizer and the former executive director of where he still serves as the president of the organization’s board of directors. Pariser co-founded and is a senior fellow at the Roosevelt Institute. He is author of the book, “The Filter Bubble: What The Internet Is Hiding From You.”