Global Zero is cited in coverage of Russia’s withdrawal from Open Skies Treaty: U.S. withdrawal from the treaty in May “greatly increases the risk of accidental or unintended conflict that could escalate, perhaps even to the nuclear level.”
Global Zero is cited in coverage of Russia’s withdrawal from Open Skies Treaty: U.S. withdrawal from the treaty in May “greatly increases the risk of accidental or unintended conflict that could escalate, perhaps even to the nuclear level.”
MorePrinceton’s alumni newspaper remembers Global Zero co-founder Bruce Blair, “a leading figure internationally in nuclear arms policy.”
MoreGlobal Zero CEO Derek Johnson joins Press the Button to talk presidential nuclear launch authority in the final days of the Trump administration.
MoreGlobal Zero CEO Derek Johnson responds to fears that U.S. President Donald Trump might launch a nuclear weapon in his final days in office: “There are no checks or balances, no way for Congress or any government official to intervene, and the presumption of legality for such an order is overwhelming.”
MoreGlobal Zero CEO Derek Johnson is quoted in the Times of India’s coverage of U.S. presidential sole authority.