Managing Director Derek Johnson writes, “The greatest danger to human civilization and the planet is the inability to believe that tomorrow can be different, the idea that we are individually powerless in the face of colliding existential threats.”
MoreGlobal Zero in the News

Former Obama administration official discusses nuclear danger
Senior Advisor joins the The Midcoast Forum on Foreign Relations to discuss whether a new era of nuclear danger is upon us.
The Bronx Social Justice and Anti-Violence Forums
Partner for Mobilization Mari Faines talks about how Global Zero is building power to eliminate nuclear weapons and secure justice for communities harmed by the poisonous legacy of those weapons.
Biden is going to Hiroshima at a moment when nuclear tensions are on the rise
Senior Advisor Jon Wolfsthal on the impact of Biden’s trip to Hiroshima for the G7 Summit.
US nuclear-armed submarines to resume visits to South Korea for first time in 30 years
Managing Director Derek Johnson says US plans to send nuclear-armed submarines to South Korea is more likely to “aggravate, rather than alleviate, pressures in the region.”